Sometimes in life we go through tough times and find ourselves going into “survival mode” just trying to survive, trying to just get through. I personally know “survival mode” very well…I lived in that mode for literally years, just trying to survive, trying to be strong, trying to ‘fix’ things that I actually had absolutely no control over. It wasn’t until the Holy Spirit showed me that I was no longer living in the victorious life that was destined for me regardless of what was going on around me, and although Jesus was my hope and I was striving to live my life for Him, I was allowing what I saw and felt in the natural to influence the life I was living. So I set my heart and my affections on Jesus and just sat at His feet as I walked through some of the hardest times I ever faced, yet He held me and kept me and caused me to come out stronger than ever before, not even smelling like smoke

So today, I want to remind you that GOD is NEVER in “survival mode.” He is still God, He is still moving mountains and He will still walk with you in the valleys! He is a Faithful God and will ALWAYS make a way where there seems to be no way. So no matter what you’re facing today, don’t go into “survival mode,” but instead, walk in and by the Spirit of God that lives in you. Lean on Him, set your heart and affections on Him, sit at His feet and begin to live in the victorious life that Jesus came to give you. Oh, and while you’re there at His feet, DREAM AGAIN!
#nomoresurvivalmode #LivingVictoriously #faithful #overcomer #enjoylife #living #athisfeet #staythere #HeIsGodInTheValleys #HeIsGodOnTheMountainTop #HeIsGod #mexico #dreams #GodDreams #sunset #amazingweather #learntodreamagain #learntolaughagain #abundantlife #psalms126